31 July, 2021

Hello Paper Artists


The new Collections for end of July (only just made it):

Sherlock is Puzzled.

 The Cut & Creates are for the lovers of Sherlock BUT also for the lovers of Vintage Cut & Creates - add to a Vintage Junk Journal; use on cards, projects for men - anywhere your creativity needs them.

 Video of both sets of papers: 

 Cut & Creates - 8 papers 8.3x11" high quality 300 dpi, jpg format. Of the 8 papers, there are 2 devoted to Sherlock Holmes images & words while the other 6 contain vintage ephemera.

 To Purchase: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1042917456/sherlock-is-puzzled-cut-creates-sherlock

 Background Papers - 10 papers high quality 300 dpi, jpg format. Of the 10 papers, there are 8 that are 8.3x11" to be used in that size or cut for cards or journal pages while the other 2 are 10"x7".

 A journal 10"wide x 7" high can be made by using the 2 papers as backgrounds & cut the others to fit for pages. Any of the papers can be printed several times to perfectly suit your art project.

 To Purchase: https://www.etsy.com/MegsGardenPapercraft/1042910932

If you are not into Sherlock, then just toss the 2 Sherlock Cut & Create papers & call the collection ‘Vintage Journal’.  I plan on doing a fun mystery journal or card - just make up your own mystery so that the recipient has to solve the puzzle.

 Bye for now




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