16 May, 2022


Hello Paper Artists

This video shows my completed Mini Book using the Shades of Blue Papers

You can take it to shabby chic or to a more vintage style - totally up to you.

I used lace, ribbons & flowers for Shabby Chic - hope it gives you some ideas


Cover:  12” x 6”

With a 1.5” spine - score of 5.25” from each side

(For a 2” spine - score 5” from each side)

Signatures: 12” x 5.5”  each will have a 0.5” spine

Score 5”, 5.5”, 10.5” - leaves 1” to either cut off or fold in for tucks

Smaller signature:

7.5” x 3.75” with 0.25” scores in the center  

Etsy link




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