20 December, 2020

Library Pocket Journal Insert in Burgundy with Cream

 This is my final project using the new Christmas Collection:

 Burgundy with Cream

...at least for now...

Recently I have been having lots of fun altering some books,
and making some fun new journals.
I'll be sharing that with you in upcoming posts.

Today I am sharing a fun journal insert idea.
I have decorated a library pocket using this pretty collection.

Here it is:

I have used a cut file from My Scrap Chick to make my library pocket and tag.
Both the pocket and tag were cut from kraft cardstock.
I've collaged the bottom of the pocket with elements from the collection:
a fussy cut Santa image,
a piece of the decorative red paper,
a decorative element strip,
and a piece of the music paper.
To finish off the pocket,
I wrapped the flap with some lovely red jute twine.

Here you can see them side by side.
I fussy cut another Santa, and added him to the side of the tag.
Then I fussy cut the sentiment, and adhered it in place.
The back is left blank for journaling.
Finally, I added more jute twine to the top of the tag. 

This fun library pocket will be inserted into my altered Christmas book project!

Meg's Garden Products Used:

Burgundy with Cream

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 and look at all the other beautiful items!
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