16 February, 2015

Bohemian cards

Hello, everyone!
Veronika here to share with you my new cards with the papers from Butterfly Garden Collection  from Meg's Garden.
Papers with butterflies are really amazing! And you can find them in two sizes to create layouts or books and small pack of paper - for cards. I prefer to use both variants. It gives me more opportunities and more freedom for creative work. And the large paper sheets have a silk surface, very pleasant and very good for working with paints.

  List of materials available from Meg's Garden
Butterfly Garden Collection
Please check out all the wonderful products on

Thanks for looking, Veronika


  1. Beautiful cards Veronika,so soft and feminine

  2. LOOOOOOVE these Veronika, really love those blues and purple tones

  3. Gorgeous cards Veronika!! Love the soft feminine look and the colours are gorgeous!!! Beautiful work!! ox
