06 March, 2016

Accordion Book by Brenda Caldow

Hello, Brenda here with you today and welcome to Meg's Garden. I just can't believe how fast the months are going. Seems like yesterday was Christmas but I look at the calendar and think where have the days gone. 
Today I would like to show you my latest creation. I have created my accordion book using the beautiful Chantilly Cream paper range. Meg says these papers have been whipped until light and fluffy. Wow is that true, the do take on that look and I just love them.

As most of you know I love to fussy cut and these beautiful papers are so elegant with lovely picture to be able to do this. Thee beautiful framed girl has been cut from the papers. 
For the  small rectangular Parisian frame I chose to colour it with a brown Copic and then coated it with Glossy Accents just marking up the Accents here and there a little to give it an aged look.
The clock face comes in a pkt of 5  which is great for choosing the best size for your project, in this case I chose the small of them.  
When creating for Meg's Garden you will see me using these beautiful flowers a lot. I love them and they come in such lovely colours and look delicate and real. I also love the fact that they are in a variety of sizes in the packet.
To me the Camel Coloured Jute Ribbon I have used at the sides of my cover look aged. I felt it fitted in well with papers and frame. It comes in 7 different colours.

Now from the cover we go inside my accordion book. 

 The elegance of this beautiful period lady speaks volumes, I love it so I fussy cut it from the papers and raised it up to make it a feature on the page. The word Cherish on the left in the resin frame is also fussy cut from the papers. I have made the pocket from cardstock and cut out some tags so as I'm able to journal on the back of them. 

I have used various rubons on the pages and I also used a brown Distress Ink.
Down the side on top of the journal tag pocket I used the Silver Grey Jute, such a natural looking colour which is in all this range.
I have cut the beautiful girl from the papers and placed it in the small oval Victorian Frame, again I have coloured the frame with a copic but a slightly lighter brown as the girl looked so delicate. Over this I used a little Irresistible gold spay and rubbed it over the frame to give it a little gold fleck to make it looked aged.
The beautiful burgundy butterfly has been fussy cut from the papers along with more journal tags.

My final page I tried to show a page of elegance and beauty.  From cardstock I cut another punched another pocket for the journal tags. Across it I used Camel Mesh Ribbon which took the darkness from the pocket but the pocket allowed the mesh to stand out. The lady has been fussy cut frm the papers and raised to stand out. The reason I love to fussy cut is because it adds to your choice of embellishments and a complete use of the papers.
Again cut from the papers is the elegant lady which I placed on cardstock that I have punched the edge of to match the pocket on the other side. The word adore is cut fromthe papers and mounted the same and finally the cute butterfly has been fussy cut too.

I hope you have enjoyed my accordion book and that I have been able to inspire you a little. Maybe even inspired you to do a little fussy cutting with these beautiful papers.
Until my next post keep coming back because there are some wonderful creations from the rest of the design team for you to have a look at for more inspiration.
Happy Crafting...... xxx

Meg's Garden Products


  1. A very beautiful book Brenda,so much to admire,well done!

  2. Brilliant use of these beautiful products <3

  3. Your book is definitely beautiful and elegant Brenda. Love how you have fussy cut the ladies and raised them up , love everything about this gorgeous book

  4. A truly beautiful book Brenda. I love the fussy cut images and you have enhanced each and every page so beautifully with the ribbon and the flowers. I can see that a lot of love has gone into this creation .. stunning work!! x

  5. Oh Brenda this is so special and great work on the fussy cutting. Really wonderful work :)
