20 October, 2014

Charlottes Memmories by Suzanne Crowther - Sherlock Collection designed by Kerry-Jean Watson

Hi Ladies, I am here today to share my project for Megs Garden design team. We have all made a book, it is amazing how very different they all are. The paper was designed by the very talented Kerry-Jean Watson. They are called Sherlock Kit and this is the first in the new mini book range.

I wish I had made a video but maybe next time. I started cutting everything out. I then used an old hard cover book. I pulled out the pages and I made my pages up I did place my paper onto cream card stock as I wanted the stronger page after all my papers were glued in I folded them in half so I could bind them into a book when they had all been bound together I started to make the cover. I wanted to make an old looking book that would be a keepsake. I used water and glycerine to make a faux leather cover. I did emboss it to add texture and I must say I am very pleased with how it turned out. When this was dry I sprayed it with a sealer and gave it a coat of sealer full glass.

My next step was getting my pages to fit into the spine of my old book. I glued it in with a flexible glue I then covered the inside cover and back with these beautiful papers. As the paper is caller Sherlock and designed by Kerry-Jean Watson I thought an old book with a lot of mystery would be ideal with hidden letters and little messages throughout the book.

Page 1 “The Mystery of the Chair? In the Paddock”
This is a photo of Miss Charlotte Grace heaven sent to mum by the Grace of God. White Rose Megs Garden then I just used some bits and pieces I had in a box gold trim is Green Tara

Page 2
Time is a great story teller pocket from the emphera paper clock. Stamp of a clock and metal dog tags from the past. These Sherlock papers are a real treat to work with. I did stamp the front of pocket with saying. I inked all edges in vintage ink and dark cashmere G45

Page 3
I used an envelope Sherlock papers and tag, some ribbon, vintage ink, beautiful trim cream from Megs Garden, mesh ribbon Megs Garden and brown raffle ribbon. I did stamp a sentiment on the front of envelope and added some ribbon. I also made a pin using beads all from Megs Garden. Edges inked in 2 inks vintage and dark cashmere.

Page 4
This is a pretty page stamped mystery woman? A light post some emphera Sherlock collection, lovely gold charm Megs Garden, odd butterfly, 3 round glitter stick ons couture creations, a piece of black trim and black lace that I had, ink used vintage and cashmere

Page 5
This is a page where I made an envelope out of Sherlock paper. I stamped a sentiment into it added a butterfly, white rose from Megs Garden. I put a couple of tickets out of the emphera and a phot of Miss Charlotte Grace Laughing. Inked edges vintage and dark cashmere graphic 45.

Page 6
This is a fun page a pocket made and covered with mesh trim from Megs Garden, piece of broken jewellery, pearl trim, 1 tag from Sherlock kit, tickets and emphera. I added a couple of feathers to fit in with vintage theme all edges are inked with Graphic 45 dark cashmere and vintage ink. With the tag I added a couple of rubons, chain keys and a flower with some emphera from Sherlock Collection. I used an old metal corner.

Page 7
I placed a photo onto some Sherlock paper I then used some doily from Megs Garden and added a trim to top and right side. I used a doily from Megs Garden and folded it to make a beautiful little pocket to add some special emphera tickets to. I added a piece of green ribbon, some lace and a beautiful flower from Megs Garden.

Page 8

This page I added some pleated fabric to the right, a photo of Miss Charlotte Grace, a flower from Manor House, word believe and prima charm. I also added an old stick pin plus a stamp of an old film camera. I then added black trim to the bottom of page and a row of pearls from Green Tara.

Page 9
On this page I made a pocket all edges were inked with dark cashmere and vintage ink. I used 2 more tags, tickets and emphera from Sherlock collection. I added a mirror tile, a couple of sentiments and some butterfly netting, Leather cord, rat tail cord and string. All edges inked with dark cashmere and vintage ink Graphic 45

Page 10

I started by adding a wooden corner piece I had. I used a frame piece from the emphera and it was perfect to cut the centre out of. I added a photo of Charlotte Grace and some copper lace trim you can find this awesome product at Megs Garden. I added some Green Tara trim and some sentiments I had in my stash. I also trimmed the photo in the beautiful white trim from Megs Garden and a brad.

Page 11
I used an envelope I had cut-out, I used a rub on for the word cherish then I folded a piece of emphera which was a note in half and placed in the top I also used a brad.

Page 12
I stamped a lamp post to this page and I inked all edges in dark cashmere graphic 45 and vintage ink. I also had an off cut from dusty attic.


Page 13

I used and mounted an emphera card and added a cog and some pink twine. I also used a white lace butterfly from Manor House. All edges are inked in vintage and dark cashmere Graphic 45

Page 14

Using the Sherlock paper I added a piece of chipboard I had for a while. I painted some flowers for my Megs Garden sign. On this page Miss Charlotte Grace is with her mummy reading books at nanny and poppy’s property. I used a I love you which I painted using viva metallic’s in gold the sign post was covered with fero by viva then a bit of gold metallic rubbed over it. This is a very special page because the word courage applies to both my girls my Daughter Elizabeth and beautiful granddaughter Charlotte Grace as they are both trying to cope with illnesses and I thought this was an appropriate word for this page and them as they both have more courage than they think. 

I found this little gold frame in my stash so I added a picture of Miss Charlotte and covered it with dimensional magic. I left it for 2 days to fully dry added a bow and placed it on this page.  Flowers are from Megs Garden little white flowers are Green Tara. All edges have been inked in vintage and dark cashmere Graphic 45

Page 15

I added wooden lace corner some emphera from Sherlock collection and a great photo. This is miss Charlotte Graces photo she wanted this so bad because she loves shoes, the photo was taken by Sara Fife Photography as where a lot of these photos. She is a wonderful photographer and friend some photos I took.  I used a metal happy word I painted gold because she is so happy to have a photo of her shoes. I also added a metal word Fun. I used a Prima flower and added gesso.

Page 16

This page is also featuring My Daughter Elizabeth and her daughter Charlotte Grace which is a happy photo of them in the paddock at our property and another photo of Miss Charlotte Grace sitting on the bull nose balcony. I used a Prima flower, piece of jewellery, metal word sing, a plastic bird from d-Lish that I painted with metallic paint and 1 prima charm. The metal word Laugh is also painted the bottom of the page has a piece of black trim.

Page 17

Featuring more Sherlock papers and Emphera mounted for a 3d look. I made a small tag and used the Sherlock emphera to decorate it I also used a brad and photo to hold the ticket in place. I also inked all edges in 2 inks vintage and dark cashmere graphic 45

Page 18

“Listen with your soul see with your heart” Written for Charlotte Grace by nanny with a little note about the book and 1 emphera ticket and a very old corner glued in place.

Page 19

The 2 tags I have fitted onto cardstock and added some rubons a copper square with Miss Charlotte Grace initials CC added brad and pen nib Megs Garden, rose Megs Garden. Ticket emphera Sherlock collection and a few bits and pieces, string gold thread ribbon

Page 20

This page features Sherlock note paper, I inked all sides and added metal corner. This page is a note for Charlotte Grace she loves to play inside, but she loves being out in the sun more.

Page 21

I added a piece of music paper I had plus some Sherlock emphera. I rolled a piece and used some brads to bolt it down. I rolled a piece of Emphera and tied it with a piece of leather. I used a piece of Laminate and added a piece of Emphera then added some white and gold string I also cut a butterfly and added it.

Page 22

Final!!! Yes you guessed it this features the Sherlock Papers by Kerry-Jean Watson. I used some washi tape on this just on the inside edge. I inked envelope and post card in vintage and dark cashmere. The post card has been addressed to Miss Charlotte and our favourite song is on the other side love from nanny. I have added metal corners here just to protect the edges. I have used a paper clip also this is where I am adding tickets from shows and plays we will see over the years.


Back to the Cover

I did not finish this until the whole book was complete. I added metal corners to all 4 corners someone gave them to me years ago so I used them up on this. The metal embellishments are from Megs Garden I just added a heart. The little door handle is so cute it is from Megs Garden and I have glued it on.


Products Used:

 Megs Garden

 Sherlock Papers Kerry-Jean Watson



Metal Charms


Lace Doily


Other Products:

Old Book

Needle and Cotton



Spare Charms

Bits and Pieces from home.




  1. This book has so many details on every page! Love the photos you've included. You've done a terrific job of aging the pages. Well done!

  2. A beautiful project for your Grand daughter, with each page showcasing Meg's Garden products perfectly. Lovely details and a gorgeous keepsake. :)

  3. Totally gorgeous book! And what a patience to make so many photos!

  4. Absolutely stunning! There are so many wonderful details and a lot of love in this album. Fabulous job Suzanne. Love it all!

  5. Love this book Suzanne! So much detail and so much work went into this ... absolutely stunning!! ox
