21 April, 2016

The Generous Chantilly Cream Collection...

Hi It's Kelly-ann Oosterbeek here today to share with you a project I did recently that's very close to my heart ...

My 16 year old daughter has recently become very charismatic about supporting the A21 organisation.... this is a non-profit organisation who believes that we can help end human trafficking together.

Human trafficking fuels the growth of organised crime, undermining health, safety, security and the basic needs of humanity ... and it's the fastest growing crime in the world today!!

I told my daughter I would do my best to help out in any way I could ... but as a busy mum with 6 kids, I'm not time-rich when it comes to having hours to devote to fundraising ....


I talked to the girls in my scrapbooking/crafty group who all said they would be happy to donate whatever loose change they had in their purses each time we got together.

So my only challenge then was to come up with a special donation tin we could use ... and thanks to Meg's Garden and her beautiful Chantilly Cream Collection that task was a very quick and easy one :)

Here's a step by step breakdown of how I made this 'donation tin' out of a Pringles chip tube :)

Step One  = Eat Chips ( this is an added bonus  step :) lol

Step 3 = Stamp and use stickers to get your message on the paper BEFORE you stick it on...

Step 4 = Put Glue EVERYWHERE and stick on the A4 sheet

Step 5 = Add trim to the top and bottom edges...

Step 6 = add embellishments EVERYWHERE ;)

Step 7 = Cut out an image and stick inside the clear lid...

Step 8 = watch your SPARE change turn into WORLD change xo

Thanks for following all the way to the end of this epic blog post!!

Why not make a donation tube yourself that your own groups of friends can use to help effect change in the world ... every act of goodwill counts in the world these days :)

If you would like more information about the A21 Organisation just follow THIS LINK :)

And remember to pick up all the supplies you will need at the Meg's Garden WEB SITE.

Cheers from Kelly-ann


  1. Such a super great idea! Thank you for sharing; this is lovely~
    I am always interested in re-purposed ideas and this one is beautiful in many ways : ) Karen O

  2. You are a very inventive lady Kelly-ann,so clever!.Great use of the Chantilly cream and what a great cause.

  3. This is awesome and for such a good cause too. Love the transformation from Pringles tin to Collection tin .. fantastic use of these gorgeous papers!! x

  4. Thanks ladies ... they also make great gifts when filled with pencils and textas :) xo

  5. another fabulous up cycling project and for a wonderful cause. Good on your daughter , makes my heart happy for one so young to be involved in such a worthy cause
