20 April, 2016

Upcycling with Chantilly Cream...

Hi, Kelly-ann Oosterbeek here today with a little upcycling project 
decorated using the gorgeous Chantilly Cream Paper Pack
And of course some of the beautiful embellishments that are also 
available over at Meg's online shop :)

This is the box I started with - a KFC Family Feast box!

I used this fabulous mix of papers from the Chantilly Cream paper pack and some of Meg's beautiful embellishments...

And this how it ended up ... as a vintage writing set chest :)

You can see the step-by-step guide of how it was made by clicking on THIS LINK.

Of course you could use any old box as an upcycling object,
shoes boxes are particularly perfect for this kind of project :)

Thanks for visiting the blog today,
Cheers from Kelly-ann.


  1. Fantastic up cycling Kelly-Ann ,gorgeous work!

  2. Brilliant idea and fabulous way to pretty up and re-use an old box Kelly-Ann. Beautifully done! x

  3. wow to think that the beautiful end product was once a KFC Box, fabulous up cycling
